[Answered] Week 6 Assignment: Point Estimates, Margins of Error, and Confidence Intervals


MATH 225N Statistical Reasoning For The Health Sciences

MATH 225N Week 6 Assignment: Point Estimates, Margins of Error, and Confidence Intervals

  1. Question: Randomly sampled employees at an office were … to take part in a survey about overtime. The office manager … to find out how many employees worked overtime in the last week. The proportion of employees that … overtime was 0.83, with a margin of error of 0.11. Construct a confidence interval for the proportion of employees that worked overtime in the last week.
  2. Question: Amy, a nature photographer, randomly sampled photographs she took within the last year. She wanted to find out how many of her photographs … flowers. The proportion of photographs that had flowers was 0.61, with a margin of error of 0.04. Construct a confidence interval for the proportion of her photographs … within the last year contained flowers
  3. Question: A researcher is trying to estimate the population mean for a certain set of data. The sample mean is 45, and the error bound for the mean is 9, at a 99.7% confidence level. (So, x¯=45and EBM = 9.) Find and interpret the confidence interval estimate.
  4. Question: Randomly sampled math majors at a large university were … to take part in a survey about the curriculum. The dean … to find out how challenging the math coursework was for students. The proportion of math majors that … the curriculum was challenging was 0.92, with a margin of error of 0.07. Construct a confidence interval for the proportion of math majors that … the curriculum was challenging.

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