[Answered] BUSN115N Week 4 Discussion: Code of Ethics -BUSN115N


BUSN 115 Introduction To Business And Technology

Initial Post Instructions

Developing a code of ethics is a way for a company to share its core values and practice ethical business. For example, the National Association for Healthcare Quality has formulated a code of ethics that can be found at https://nahq.org/about/code-of-ethics (Links to an external site.).

Think about a company or organization you currently work for or do business with. Find the code of ethics for the company or organization and post the link for the class.

Using the code of ethics you found, give an example that you are familiar with in which the company has stayed true to the code of ethics and demonstrated ethical business practices.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.


As I have mentioned before, I am not working now, but I have pasted the link for the hospital where I will be working from July.

https://www.renown.org/about/fair-and-ethical-practicesLinks to an external site.

Along with this, I have also pasted the link for the page of Core Values that I used to work in:

http://www.alkahospital.com/home/page/vision-missionLinks to an external site.

I felt like almost all hospitals and health centers have similar ethics using different words, some lengthening and some emphasizing them. However, most of them have similar meanings that states create a trustful environment, maintain standards, and provide proper treatment. As nurses or any health professionals, we should be obliged to our code of ethics even if we do not take any oath or read the ethics. ….please follow the link below to purchase full solution at $5