[Answered] RELI 448N Week 2 Discussion: Upanishads

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, respond to one of the following options:

  1. Identify and describe one of the five(Brahman and Atman, Maya, Karma, Samsara, Moksha) key concepts from the Upanishads. Examine these teachings and the way they have influenced other expressions of Indian spirituality. Make sure your response is supported with quotes from the Upanishads and citations from scholarly sources.
  2. Choose one of the 4 Yogas. Define this path to the Divine, using examples. How does this path help to lead a person to realization? Why did you choose this path to discuss?


In the 1960’s, Hinduism, a non-missionary religion, became popular in the United States. Hinduism is known for its beliefs in reincarnation and karma. Hinduism is one of the most complex religions. The Upanishad represents the loftiest heights of Hinduism. There are five concepts of the Upanishads of which Karma is one of them (Paramananda, 2014). The concept of Karma entered the Hinduism through Saivism and Bhagavatism, ancient non-Vedic sects. Karma was recognized as an impurity on the soul by Saivism. The believers of karma argued that man had free-will and was able to change the course of their life through their actions….please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $5