(Answered) PSYC 110N Discussion Week 5: (Option 2)


Initial Post Instructions

For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2:

Option 1: Physical, Cognitive and Social Development

Human development is a process in which there are various cognitive, physical, social, and emotional milestones from conception to death. Choose one of the major developmental areas discussed in the text (cognitive, physical, social or moral development) and briefly discuss its importance to human development. How would an individual’s well-being be impacted without proper development of this developmental area? For example, what happens when someone is lacking in social developmental areas? Or what about the person who doesn’t reach the level of post-conventional morality?

Option 2: Sexuality

How would an individual’s well-being … without proper development of this developmental area? For example, what happens when someone is lacking in social developmental areas? Or what about the person who doesn’t reach the level of post…


Sexuality education is a controversial topic. I have encountered people with sex ed experiences all the way from sex-positive comprehensive education to “your husband will explain it on your wedding night.” What do you think our society should do about sexed? Should schools provide education? What should be taught, and at what ages?

We should have an education about topics. I feel like it is always a big *stay away* for parents to just a not so much talked about subject. Sex Conversations should be talked about through the phases, but no parent feels confident talking to their kids about sex. We either do not feel equipped or comfortable leading with the conversation, it is usually pushed off until later but there is honestly no better time to talk about it and getting into sexual education. This could be used through every phase in a child’s life not exactly talking about sex to a preschooler, but they are at the age where they ask a lot of questions, but I think talking to kids about their body ….please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $5