(Answered) NURS 6512N-19, NURS-6512C-19, NURS-6512F-19: Exam -Week 11 Final


NURS 6512 Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic

Number of Questions: 1 – 101 


  1. Question: Which portion of the physical examination is best done with the patient standing?
  2.  Question: Which cranial nerves are usually evaluated during the examination of the eyes?
  3. Question: A cervical polyp usually appears as a:
  4.  Question: An apical PMI palpated beyond the left fifth intercostal space may indicate:
  5. Question: Breath odors may clue the examiner to certain underlying metabolic conditions. The odor of ammonia on the breath may signify:
  6. Question: Which medical condition would exclude a person from sports participation?
  7. Question: The spread of the impulse through the ventricles (ventricular depolarization) is depicted on the ECG as the:
  8. Question: Breath sounds normally heard over the trachea are called:
  9. Question: Kawasaki disease is suspected when assessments of a child reveal:
  10. Question: One of the most important aspects to consider in the orthopedic screening examination is:
  11. Question: The musculoskeletal examination should begin when:
  12. Question: The presence of cervical motion tenderness may indicate:
  13. Question: Your patient’s chief complaint is repeated pencil-like stools. Further examination should include:
  14. Question: The adnexa of the uterus are composed of the:
  15. Question: A 25 yo AA female has come to the clinic because she has missed her menstrual period this month and 2 months before. She says her cycles are irregular and she wants to be on birth control to help regulate them. She states that her breasts have enlarged and that her nipples have turned a darker color. Your further response to this finding is to:
  16. Question: A 40 yr old female presents to the clinic with complaints of low back and buttock pain. Pt states the buttock pain radiates from one side to the other. On examination, the patient is noted to have limited ROM of the shoulders, chest wall, hips, and knees. Upon xray, you find gross postural changes and there is a severe deformity of the vertebral column.

What is the most likely diagnosis for this patient?

  1. Question: If pitting edema is unilateral, you would suspect occlusion of a:
  2. Question: Examination of the patient in the lithotomy, or knee-chest, position includes:
  3. Question: While examining a 30-year-old woman, you note that one breast is slightly larger than the other. In response to this finding, you should:
  4. Question: Recent unilateral inversion of a previously everted nipple suggests:
  5. Question: A common finding in markedly obese and pregnant women is:
  6. Question: The checkout station for preparticipation physical evaluation (PPE) is critical because at this point:
  7. Question: Temporalis and masseter muscles are evaluated by:
  8. Question: During a routine prenatal visit, Ms. T. was noted as having dependent edema, varicosities of the legs, and hemorrhoids. She expressed concern about these symptoms. You explain to Ms. T. that her enlarged uterus is compressing her pelvic veins and her inferior vena cava. You would further explain that these findings:
  9. Question: Inspection of the scrotum should reveal:
  10. Question: When palpating breast tissue, the examiner should use the at each site.
  11. Question: Ulnar deviation and boutonniere deformities are characteristic of:
  12. Question: Your 15-year-old patient is athletic and thin. Radiography of an ankle injury reveals a stress fracture. You should question this patient about her:
  13. Question: A red, hot swollen joint in a 40-year-old man should lead you to suspect:
  14. Question: An idiopathic spasm of arterioles in the digits is termed:
  15. Question: When assessing superficial pain, touch, vibration, and position perceptions, you are testing:
  16. Question: A pulsation that is diminished to the point of being barely palpable would be graded as:
  17. Question: Adrian Thompson is a 19-year-old girl who presents to the clinic with complaints of severe, acute chest pain. Her mother reports that Andrian, apart from occasional sinus infections, Andrian is not prone to respiratory problems. What potential risk factor is most important to assess with regards to Adrian’s current problem?
  18. Question: The finger-to-nose test allows assessment of:
  19. Question: If a patient cannot shrug the shoulders against resistance, which cranial nerve (CN) requires further evaluation?.
  20. Question: The Mini-Mental State Examination:
  21. Question: The goals of preparticipation sports evaluation include:
  22. Question: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy will likely produce:
  23. Question: Darian is a 14-year-old adolescent who states his right testicle has a soft swollen mass. The testicle is not painful upon palpation. The right inguinal canal is without masses. The mass does transilluminate with a penlight. This collection of symptoms is consistent with:
  24. Question: When you attempt to move a 10-month-old child from his mother’s lap to the examination table, he screams loudly. Your best action is to:
  25. Question: The foramen ovale should close:……………..


  1. Which portion of the physical examination is best done with the patient standing? Answer: spinal
  2. To assess spinal levels L2, L3, and L4, which deep tendon reflex should be tested? Answer: patellar
  3. To assess a cremasteric reflex, the examiner strokes the: Answer: lightly stroking the inner thigh
  4. Which condition is considered progressive rather than reversible? Answer: dementia…………….please click the icon below to purchase full exam answers at $20