(Answered) NR722 Week 2 The Application of Prevailing Trends and How These Trends Influence Curricular Design


NR722 ENTIRE COURSE WEEK 1-8; 100% Complete 


Review this week’s lessons and readings. Consider the increasing healthcare needs and complexity of your practice problem idea and the connection to the Global Burden of Disease and social determinants of health. Then, respond to the following:

  • Propose steps the nurse educator can take to remain knowledgeable and responsive to prevailing healthcare trends when creating and revising a curriculum that is contemporary, relevant, and either prepares nursing students for practice or enhances nursing practice in the clinical setting.


Completing a curriculum revision implies making modifications and changes in the current curriculum to achieve a new direction that is contemporary, relevant, and prepares nursing students for practice or enhances nursing practice in the clinical setting. Curriculum revision basically involves effecting changes in the present curriculum and modifying in its course contents learning outcomes, aims, objectives and assessment strategies (Hoeksel et al., 2019). There are various approaches to an effective curriculum revision which can either be to add, delete something in the existing curriculum. Curriculum revision can also imply a modification of the current curriculum so it takes a better and improved shape. ………please click the icon below to purchase full answer at $10