[Answered] NR599 Week 8 Final Exam -Part 1,2 & 3 – Informatics


NR 599 Nursing Informatics For Advanced Practice

Part I: Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Question: Why is it difficult to integrate information from all hospital departments into a single hospital information system?
  2. Question: Which of the following groups of activities represent challenges to the technologist when building an integrated hospital information system?
  3. Question: The conceptual components of informatics are:
  4. 4.      Question: Several colleges have … that Wikipedia … banned as a resource for academic papers. Which of the following statements support that ban?
  5. Question: When would you use the word “and” in a literature search?
  6. Question: What is a refereed journal?
  7. Question: Several indexes to scholarly literature can … in the library. Which one of these indexes has the most applicability to the profession of Nursing?……..

Part II: True/False Questions

  1. Question: Access to patient-specific, agency-specific, & domain-specific data, information & knowledge, by nurses, has potential to improve ICU decision making
  2. Question: The management of information is the functional ability to collect, aggregate, organize, move & represent information in an economical, efficient way.
  3. Question: The traditional view of information in the health care environment has been……

Part III: Essay Pick ONE of the following questions

  1. Question: Describe one of the VR simulations used in treating phobias.
  2. Question: It has been said that the promise of nanotechnology is to “allow doctors to execute curative & reconstructive procedures in the body at cellular & molecular levels. Discuss your concerns & opinions on the use of nanotechnology in medicine. ……


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