[Answered] NR599 Week 3 EHRs Benefits and Drawbacks -Discussion


NR 599 Nursing Informatics For Advanced Practice


  1. As discussed in the lesson and assigned reading for this week, EHRs provide both benefits and drawbacks. Create a “Pros” versus “Cons” table and include at least 3 items for each list. Next to each item, provide a brief rationale as to why you selected to include it on the respective list.
  2. Refer to the Stage 3 objectives for Meaningful Use located in this week’s lesson under the heading Meaningful Use and the HITECH Act. Select two objectives to research further. In your own words, provide a brief discussion as to how the objective may impact your role as an APN in clinical practice.


  1. As discussed in the lesson and assigned reading for this week, EHRs provide both benefits and Create a “Pros” versus “Cons” table and include at least 3 items for each list. Next to each item, provide a brief rationale as to why you selected to include it on the respective list.
“Pros” Rationale
Accessibility The EHR allows healthcare workers to access results, history, labs and medication list from providers and facilities both inside and external to the patients current setting. This allows for faster more accurate care to be delivered.

Additionally, providers can access patients charts from anywhere. This is especially helpful for hospitalist and attending providers who can access and now write orders from mobile devices. This reduces duplicate prescribing and testing.

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