(Answered) NR501NP Week 8: Peer Review Discussion


NR501NP Theoretical Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice


Discussion Criteria

Initial post: Create a Kaltura video presentation based on the PowerPoint slideshow you submitted in week 7. The slides you created should be displayed in the recorded presentation; you may choose to include webcam video of your presentation as well, but it is not required. A clear audio presentation of the content should be included. The Kaltura Presentation should be between 5-10 minutes in length. While the presentation is due  Wednesday, please consider posting the presentation to the discussion area early in the week to facilitate a robust discussion.

Kaltura Resources: Use the Kaltura resources found under the Resources tab in the course. If you have difficulty using Kaltura Capture Space, reach out to IT first (please obtain a ticket number). If you are still unable to record using Kaltura, reach out to your instructor for alternate recording options.

Participating in the Discussion: You will be required to respond to at least two other students who have no responses to their postings.** Your peer posts should add to the dialogue or ask questions about the presentation. Each post should be substantive and professional and answer the following questions:

  1. Does the chosen theory apply to the stated issue or concern presented?
  2. Is the presentation clear and easy to follow?
  3. Did the presentation provide sufficient evidence to support the presenter’s recommendations?
  4. Is there an alternate theory that you would suggest for the issue or concern?
  5. Does the presentation add to nursing knowledge?
  6. What applications do you see for the content of this presentation to your practice as an NP?

Responses to two different peer presentations are due by Saturday 11:59 p.m. MT of Week 8    

**If all students have a response, then choose the student with the least responses to their posting.



This is my theoretical framework to support evidence-based practice presentation. So my introduction, I decided to go with the humanistic theory as part of my presentation. I picked this theory because I kind of related to it most when using it in practice and seeing how beneficial it is. We’re going to talk about the relevance of humanistic theory and practice. My concern or issue in my related field was denial of mental health diagnosis. We’re going to look at how using the humanistic theory can alter that issue of denial. And of course we have the conclusion. We’re gonna kinda dive into humanistic theory, what that looks like, and how we’re going to use that in practice. So the humanistic theory in short, is individuals as a whole and understands that each person has freewill and possesses the motivation to alter their own decisions and achieve self-actualization. ……please click the icon below to purchase full answer at $10