(Answered) NR436 Week 7 Discussion: iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter Debriefing – James Monsoor


NR436 RN Community Health Nursing

 James Monsoor

Step 1: Complete at least one attempt of the Week 7 iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter prior to participating in the debriefing.

Step 2: Answer all questions below with explanations and details. No scholarly sources are required.

Paragraph one: Did you feel comfortable and knowledgeable in Mr. Monsoor’s simulation? What did you learn? What additional information is needed to better care for Mr. Monsoor? What specific questions would you like to ask him?

Paragraph two: Imagine Mr. Monsoor was in your community. Answer the questions based on the first letter of your last name below. Share what you found, or did not find, for resources.

Last Name Question to Answer
A – G What resources does your community have for those who are homeless? Do you believe they are adequate to serve this population? Why or why not?
H – Q What resources does your community have to assist those with mental health conditions? Do you believe they are adequate to serve this population? Why or why not?
R – Z What resources does your community have for Veterans? Do you believe they are adequate to serve this population? Why or why not?

Paragraph three: What did you learn from this simulation that you could apply to your nursing practice? How will your new knowledge of resources in your community change the way you practice nursing?



Hello class!

I was very comfortable with Mr. Monsoor’s case! I have worked in Atlanta, Georgia for five years now and we service the homeless population every single day. Atlanta has a very large homeless population. Working in inner city hospitals, we experience homeless patients on an every day basis. I don’t feel like I learned anything specific from his case…….please click the icon below to access entire answer at $15