NR361 RN Information Systems in Healthcare
List the wearable technology you selected for health and wellness from the Part 1: Examining Wearable Technologies assignment. List the chosen health condition/health behavior and population from the Part 1: Examining Wearable Technologies assignment.
Are you familiar with PowerPoint, and can you open the Week 5 Part 2: Ethical Issues With Wearable Technologies Assignment? The Week 5 assignment contains concept maps related to various ethical issues with wearable technologies. How can creating a concept map enhance your learning or problem-solving abilities?
List one additional resource you have found that provides information on the selected wearable technology, specifically related to the Part 2: Ethical Issues With Wearable Technologies assignment. Provide the reference(s) in APA format.
Discuss how the Week 5 Part 2: Ethical Issues With Wearable Technologies assignment is progressing. Is the assignment easy or challenging? Are you finding the information about ethical issues related to the chosen wearable technology? What learning has surprised you about ethical issues with wearable technologies?
Write two questions you have about the Part 2: Ethical Issues With Wearable Technologies assignment. Course faculty will respond via the comment box in the grade book by 11:59 p.m. MT on Friday of Week 5.
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