[Answered] NR305 -Week 6 Assignment: Mental Health Assessment: Amka Oxendine (iHuman) (Graded)


NR 305 Health Assessment


The purpose of this assignment is for learners to demonstrate completing a mental health assessment on a virtual patient.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcome:

CO 1: Demonstrate a head to toe physical assessment. (PO 1)

CO 2: Differentiate between normal and abnormal health assessment findings. (PO 4)

CO 3: Describe physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual influences on an individual’s health status. (PO 1)

CO 4: Demonstrate effective communication skills during health assessment and documentation. (PO 3)

CO 5: Identify collaborative opportunities for health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention. (POs 1, 2)

CO 6: Demonstrate professional behavior and caring during patient interactions. (POs 6, 7)

Due Date

Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6

Points Possible

150 Points Total

  • 100 points – Case Completion
  • 50 points – Nurse Notes Responses

Late Assignment Policy

If the assignment is not submitted by due date, a late deduction will be applied. See rubric below.


  1. Access the Amka Oxendine Case Assignment in iHuman by clicking on the “Load Assignment in a New Window” button at the bottom of this assignment page. If prompted, select to load the case in a new browser window.
    • Note: It may take a few moments for iHuman cases to load in your web browser, so please be patient.
  2. Complete the prework questions associated with the case. Prework is required to be completed before you can move on or before you can replay a case. Be sure that you have submitted each pre-work exercise for evaluation before you move on to the next. Your answers are not graded but are intended to get you thinking about the case.
  3. Begin the case and complete these sections: (100 points total, immediate feedback/grade will be provided to you by iHuman when complete)
    • EHR Review
    • Health History
    • Physical Assessment
    • Note: there is no time limit on completing cases
  4. As you move through your first attempt and once you complete the case, you will receive feedback from the “Expert” on the important findings that you included (or should have included), and information that should have been collected on the health history and physical assessment. The system will also tell you if you asked questions or performed assessments that are considered extraneous or inappropriate for that particular case. Review this information carefully and take notes to be used on your second attempt, if you would like to work toward a higher score.
  5. If you must leave the case for any reason before you have totally completed it, the program will save your spot and will return you to the same point when you re-enter the case. (Look for the green “Resume” arrow at the bottom of the screen.) If you had fully completed a section, you will be able to review the section, but you will not be able to change your answers. You will only be able to move forward in the case.
  6. Type your responses to the questions in the Nurse Notes section in the box provided (50 points, graded by instructor after submission). The Nurse Notes will be graded by your instructor, not iHuman. See the grading rubric to understand how it is evaluated. Note: You only need to type out the Nurse Notes once. Your instructor can see both attempts. If you make revisions on your second attempt, inform your instructor.
  7. When you have completed a case review the final score and feedback provided by iHuman. You have the option to complete this case a second time before the submission deadline (total of 2 attempts) to improve your score. Your instructor will convert your highest score in iHuman to points earned in the grading rubric. Scores are adjusted based on your performance level. (See grading rubric.)



  1. Write an SBAR note (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendations) to summarize Oxendine’s current health state for the report to the nurse receiving the patient on the inpatient unit. Hint: Be sure you provide enough detail to safely transfer Ms. Oxendine. Recommendations should relate to next steps in care. To develop your note, type the appropriate information after each letter below.

S – 19-year-old female college student arrived with abdominal pain, nausea, and attempted suicide by ingesting 15 acetaminophen pills. We placed the patient ongoing suicide precautions.

B – Ms. Oxendine was diagnosed with depression at the age of 15. She takes fluoxetine 20mg daily since the age of 16. She is experiencing a recent stressor in her life such as failing school and a recent break up with her boyfriend.…..please click the icon below to purchase the answer at $10