[Answered] NR 601 Week 3 Psychiatric Disorders and Screening


  1. Research screening tools for depression and anxiety.
  • Choose one screening tool for depression and one screening tool for anxiety that you feel are appropriate to screen KB.
  • Explain why you chose that particular tool for KB. Score KB based on the information provided (not all data may be provided). Include what questions could be scored, and your chosen score.
  1. Identify your next step for evaluation and treatment for KB. Include any necessary physical medicine evaluation.
  2. What medication, if any, would you recommend for treatment? Provide the rationale. This should include the medication class, mechanism of action of the medication and why this medication is appropriate for KB. Include initial prescribing information and education to include side effects and when KB should notice
  3. If the medication works as expected, when should KB expect to start feeling better? Include an EBP reference to support this information.


  1. Research screening tools for depression and Choose one screening tool for depression and one screening tool for anxiety that you feel are appropriate to screen BT.

The Journal of American Medical Association (2017) did a PubMed database search for peer-reviewed articles from inception to 2017 to determine the best assessment tools and treatment guidelines for the adult population. Over 1603 articles were found and reviewed for treatment guidelines in adults. The purpose of the Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) is a screening tool for depression and its severity (Kok & Reynolds, 2017). Some challenges in primary care remain clear in that only 47% of depressed patients are diagnosed and only a third were documented (Kok & Reynolds, 2017). The PHQ-9 is a self-rating scale that allows the patient to rate the presence and frequency of depression symptoms. It allows healthcare professionals the ability to track the effectiveness of treatments and helps the patients reach the goal of remission and improvement of overall wellbeing. ….please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $15