(Answered) NR 566 Week 7 Assignment; Management of Psychiatric Conditions in Primary Care


NR 566 Adv Pharm Care of the Family

Total Points Possible: 120 Preparing the Assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

  1. General instructions
    1. Create a presentation of your Use PowToon, Kaltura, Prezi, infographic, or another medium aside from a written paper.
      • NOTE: If your recorded voice is part of the presentation, a transcript is
      • Videos should not exceed 10
    2. Include in-text citations, in current APA format, within the presentation


  1. Provide references, in current APA format, that match the in-text citations within the
  2. References should be professional sources and no more than 5 years

Create a patient scenario for the behavioral health issue that corresponds with the first initial of your last name in the table below. This information was also provided in the Week 5 announcement

Behavioral Health Diagnosis First Initial of Last Name
Depression A I Q
Bipolar Disease B J R
General Anxiety Disorder C K S
Social Anxiety Disorder D L T
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder E M U
Panic Disorder F N V



  1. Include the following sections:
  1. Patient chief complaint
  2. History of present illness
  • Social history
  1. Family medical history
  2. Past medical history
  3. Medications currently taken


  • Include specific drug names (not drug class), dose, frequency
  • Medications you will prescribe to address current
  • If you are unable to prescribe anything for the current situation, explain why and what the plan will be to address the issue/symptoms.
  1. State and Federal Regulations
  2. Identify the state where you
  3. Identify what your state laws say about prescribing behavioral health drugs without being certified and/or credentialed as a psych-mental health NP.
  4. How does the Affordable Care Act affect behavioral health care?
  5. How do these factors impact the patient in the scenario you provided?


  1. Community Resources


  1. Provide information on how you would know if the patient you create needs support beyond what you can provide as a primary care
  2. Identify community resources available in your area to refer patients in need of assistance before they can establish care with a primary mental health provider.
  3. Identify the facilities in your area where you would send a patient in need of urgent assessment and
  4. Identify resources in your area that are available to patients who may not be able to afford behavioral health


  1. Legal & Ethical Considerations


Patient Scenario

Bryan is a 21-year-old who reports to his Nurse Practitioner that he feels depressed and is experiencing a significant amount of stress about school, noting that he’ll “probably flunk out.” He spends much of his day in his dorm playing video games and has a hard time identifying what or if anything, is enjoyable on a typical day. He rarely attends class and has avoided reaching out to his professors to try to surpass his grades this semester.

Bryan has always been a self-described shy person and has a tiny and cohesive group of elementary through high school friends. And his level of stress significantly amplified when he began college.…….please click the icon below to access entire answer at  $15