(Answered) NR 566 Week 6 Quiz Writer


NR 566 Adv Pharm Care of the Family

  1. Which treatment for Alzheimer’s disease comes in oral form and a transdermal patch
    and is used for dementia associated with Parkinson’s disease
  2. What is the mechanism of action of donepezil?
  3. Which CNs disorder is characterized by periods of unusual symptoms such as staring
    blankly, loss of consciousness, loss of sensation, or uncontrollable twitching and jerking?
  4. The most common symptoms of a migraine attack include? select all that apply
  5. Mary is a 75-year-old female with hx of htn and diabetes presents to the neurologist
    office with her son explaining to the doctor that his mother has been exhibiting memory loss,
    problems with word finding, misplacing things, changes in her mood and impaired judgment. The
    neurologist decides to start her on memantine 5mg a day and plans on increasing it weekly as
    tolerated. which of this statement by the son will need him to be reeducated regarding the disease
    process and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease?


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