(Answered) NR-565 Week 2 Assignment: Specific Guidelines…Prescribing


NR-565: Advanced Pharmacology Fundamentals

Week 2 Assignment: Florida State Specific Guidelines for Prescribing Controlled Substances


The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student with an opportunity to explore the most recent guidelines and recommendations in the student’s state of practice for pain management therapies and education; as well as to understand specific state regulations governing controlled substance prescriptions.

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

  • Identify and describe at least one current state specific guideline (Florida) for pain management therapy and education.
  • Explore other organizations or pain initiatives that are … by the state (if applicable).
  • Describe state specific laws that apply to the authority to prescribe schedule II controlled substances.
  • Explore the state’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP).

Students are … to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will …, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will … recorded for the assignment.

In the event of a situation that prevents timely submission of an assignment, students may petition their instructor for a waiver of the late submission grade reduction. The instructor will review the student’s rationale for the request and make a determination based on the merits of the student’s appeal. Consideration of the student’s total course performance to date will be a contributing factor in the determination. Students should continue to attend class, actively participate, and complete other assignments while the appeal is pending.

Preparing the Paper:

  1. The “State Specific Guidelines for Prescribing Controlled Substances” paper is worth 50 points and will … graded on the quality of the content, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.
  2. Submit the paper as a Microsoft Word Document, which is the … format at Chamberlain University. You are … the APA Academic Writer when creating your assignment.
  3. Follow the directions below and the grading criteria … in the rubric closely. Any questions about this paper may be posted under the Q & A Forum or emailed to your faculty.
  4. The length of the paper should be 2-4 pages, excluding title page and reference page(s). The title and reference pages should be in APA format.
  5. Sources should … directly from the state’s regulatory organization(s) and must … appropriately.
  6. It is … that you keep a copy of this paper to provide to potential employers or your Board of Nursing in order to demonstrate your knowledge of your state laws. 


Guidelines and recommendations for your state:

In response to the opioid epidemic, individual states have developed and adopted voluntary guidelines or recommendations for the treatment of acute and chronic non-cancer pain. Based on research done on the state where you will practice clinically, include the following:

Provide the name of your practicing state’s organization, group or task force that created guidelines or recommendations for pain

management therapies and education.

Organization, group, or task force name Florida Statewide Task Force on Opioid Abuse Where you found this information (weblink):

Florida Opioid Task Force

Briefly describe an overview of its development and include a web address where this information can be found. If your state does not have guidelines, discuss a federal guideline. (Note: you may need to contact your state’s board of nursing, pharmacy, or medicine if you cannot locate it on your own). Overview of your state’s guideline development with web address.

Attorney Generals Opioid Working Group Is concerned with the opioid crisis as it has plagued the nation. The Florida Attorney General has enacted the Florida Opioid Task

Force. In summary their recommendations are to create education on drug addiction, treatment and model similar programs based on data collection and analytics from areas of the country such as New Jersey, or Pennsylvania. The education includes those for school aged children, training for law enforcement in seeking substance abuse disorder and first responder response

education. Coordination with clinicians and

Locate federal guidelines and provide a link to federal guidelines you could use in practice as a NP

National Practice Guide for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder

This is to assist in the treatment of opioid use disorder, prevent poor outcomes with prescription of opioids as well limit the opioid dependence of patients. This is guided by psychological approach noted in the DSM-5 criteria, with both opioid and non-opioid use disorder noted. Health care providers, those prescribing opioids, are to use this as a guide for noting the potential and instance of

occurrence, if possible, for opioid use disorder. There have been accommodations

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