(Answered) NR 552 Discussion Week 6: Caring and Cost Efficient Nursing


NR 552 Economics Of Healthcare Policy


After reading the article:

Cara, C. M., Nyberg, J. J., & Brousseau, S. (2011). Fostering the coexistence of caring philosophy and economics in today’s healthcare system. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 35(1), 6-14.

Propose a caring behavior or policy you would like to initiate in your workplace. Describe how this caring behavior would impact nursing satisfaction, patient outcomes, and healthcare costs.


Caring is a core feature in nursing. Several studies have tried to explore the concept of caring behavior among nurses in the Emergency Department. Research conducted by Wiman & Wikblad (2004) revealed that both caring and uncaring aspects existed in Emergency Care. (Wiman & Wikblad, 2004). Aspects of caring behavior include moral responsibility, genuine concern for the patient, openness to others, dedication and being involved with courage (Wiman & Wikblad, 2004). The aspects of uncaring behavior include disinterest, insensitivity, coldness, and inhumanity (Wiman & Wikblad, 2004).

The best caring behavior I would like to initiate in the Emergency Department is a relational dialogue (Cara, et al., 2011). Relational dialogue entails both formal and informal conversations (Cara, et al., 2011). It encourages open conversation, careful listening, trust, and focus on solving problems (Cara, et al., 2011). This is consistent with Watson’s Theory of Human Care which recognizes effective care based on transpersonal relationships. This implies a care which transcends a patient’s matter, space, and time and the healthcare professional such that a single element is formed in harmony besides the punctual period of interaction, so as to promote healing (Wong, et al., 2013). Relational dialogue promotes transpersonal relationships….please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $5