(Answered) NR 552 Discussion Week 2: Policies for Public Good


NR 552 Economics Of Healthcare Policy


  1. What local policies (city or state) have been enacted to provide for the public good in relation to lifestyle choices regarding alcohol consumption in the state of Georgia?
  2. What are the ethical and legal implications of these policies?
  3. What health and healthcare cost outcomes are expected as a result of this policy


  1. What local policies (city or state) have been enacted to provide for the public good in relation to lifestyle choices regarding alcohol consumption in the state of Georgia?

The surveillance of alcohol consumption in Georgia is conducted so that information can be provided regarding excessive alcohol intake and related problems. There is population-based alcohol-related data that is analyzed and then made available to the public. Georgia’s surveillance notes that excessive alcohol consumption is associated with specific health risks. Those health risks are (Georgia Department of Public Health):

  • Alcohol dependence
  • Chronic disease
  • Unsafe sexual activity that results in unintended pregnancy
  • Injury
  • Motor vehicle crashes

Georgia has goals to try and make the public more aware of excessive alcohol consumption and the problems that can be associated with excessive alcohol consumption. Georgia’s goals are (Georgia Department of Public Health):

  • Calculate prevalence of binge and heavy drinking in Georgia
  • Produce data summaries on the burden of excessive alcohol consumption
  • Provide information and technical assistance to community and public health partners……please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $5