(Answered) NR 552 Discussion Week 1: Nurses Supply and Demand


NR 552 Economics Of Healthcare Policy


Nurses are a limited health care resource. What is the current supply and demand of professional nurses in your local area or state? What alternatives or interventions are being proposed to equalize the supply and demand of professional nurses?


  1. What is the current supply and demand of professional nurses in your local area or state?

The nursing profession is one of the highest professions in demand (Nurse.org, 2017). There are various factors that contribute to the shortage in the nursing profession. Factors that contribute to the nursing shortage in the United States are: growing population that results in a need for expanded health care services, a dwindling of new student nurses, and growing age of the current nursing workforce (Simga Global Nursing Excellence, 2019). Other factors that contribute to the nursing shortage are: shortage of nursing school faculty that restricts student enrollment, demographic changes that call for nurses to take care of the aging population, inadequate staffing causing increased stress levels that leads to nurses leaving the nursing profession, and high nurse turnover rates (AACN, 2017). Among the fifty states listing nursing shortage statistics, Georgia is number 6 on the list. As of 2018, Georgia estimates their nursing need to be 98,800 by the year 2030 (Nurse.org, 2017). Georgia’s projected demand is 101,000 nurses with a – 2,200 difference noted (Nurse.org, 2017). Florida has the lowest shortage listed with their estimated nursing need to be 293,700 by the year 2030 and a projected demand of 240,000 with a + 53,700 surplus of nurses (Nurse.org, 2017). As of 2015, the number of employed RNs in Georgia, excluding APRNs, is 69,000 (Miller, 2017). In Georgia, the average age of the working nurse force is 46 and greater than…..please click the purchase button to access the entire solution at $5