[Answered] NR 535 Week 8 Student s Template: Self-Reflection NLN….


NR 535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies For The Nurse Educator

Part A: Self-reflection on NLN Educator Competencies

Rating Scale:

Select the number that best represents your confidence that you meet each sub competency at this point in your education career.

1= I have no experience or education as a nurse educator. I am not confident at all that I meet this competency; I need significant education and practice in this area.

2= I have minimal experience and/or education as a nurse educator. I am somewhat confident that I meet this competency but will need additional education and practice in this area before accepting a position as a nurse educator

3 = I am a beginning nurse educator with less than 2 years of experience. I am confident that I meet this competency however I will need additional education and mentoring in this area.

4 = I have some experience (2-3 years) as a nurse educator and am confident that I meet this competency but will still need additional education and practice to become proficient in this area.

5= I am an experience nurse educator and am very confident that I meet this competency and do not need additional education or practice in this area except for traditional continuing education to update my skills

Remember you are still in the development stage so not all (or any) of the competencies are expected to be at level 3 by the end of this course.

NLN Competency I: Facilitate Learning:

Nurse educators are responsible for creating an environment in classroom, laboratory, and clinical settings that facilitates student learning and

the achievement of desired cognitive, affective, and psychomotor outcomes.

Week One Week Eight
NLN Sub-competency Rating of Confidence


Rating of Confidence


a. Implements a variety of teaching strategies appropriate to learner needs, desired learner

outcomes, content, and context

1 2
b. Grounds teaching strategies in educational theory and evidence-based teaching practices 1 2
c.     Recognizes multicultural, gender, and experiential influences on teaching and learning 1 2
c.    Engages in self-reflection and continued learning to improve teaching practices that

facilitate learning

1 2
e.     Uses information technologies skillfully to support the teaching-learning process 1 1
f.      Practices skilled oral, written, and electronic communication that reflects an 1 2

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