[Answered] NR-535 Week 7 Case Study: Academic Integrity – Part I


NR 535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies For The Nurse Educator


The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for learners to:

  • articular key questions to be asked in a grievance;
  • review an academic integrity policy;
  • determine a decision in a grievance process.

Course Outcomes:

CO 5. Examine professional ethical legal values in the role of the nurse educator (PO 4)

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 7

Total Points Possible: 100 REQUIREMENTS:

Week 7: Case Study Part I

The case study has three distinct parts. Each part of the case study will open and close on specific days of the week.

Part I of the case study opens on Sunday and will close on Wednesday of the week. You cannot add additional information to Part I once it closes on Wednesday. In this part of the case study you are to identify a 2 key questions for the student relevant to the grievance and 2 key questions for the faculty member. Include the rational for these questions. A scholarly article supporting this part of the discussion is to be included in the initial post.

You are the chairperson of the School of Nursing Grievance Committee. On Monday morning, you receive an e-mail from Larry Learner, who wants to file a grievance. He has been expelled from the nursing program due to plagiarism. You ask Larry to come to your office to discuss the potential grievance. During the meeting, Larry tells you he has always been an A student.

The content of the initial posting must include the following elements:

  • What are two questions you would ask Larry regarding plagiarism and what is the rationale for each of these questions?
  • What are two questions you would ask the faculty member and what is the rationale for each of these questions?
  • Support for your questions and rationale must come from scholarly literature. Two references are required, and one must be from a peer-reviewed nursing journal.


·    What are two questions you would ask Larry regarding plagiarism and what is the rationale for each of these questions?

1). Define what plagiarism means in your own words.

Rationale: Asking this question gives Larry the opportunity to explain what he understands plagiarism to be. According to a study performed by Basic, et al. (2019) on student’s perception of plagiarism is that the common findings were the concept of plagiarism is not well understood. They also go on to state that student plagiarism is under reported due to the lasting damage that can cause the student and the university. In order to understand Larry’s rationale of what plagiarism means will allow the Grievance Committee to look at this situation from his decision to use the plagiarized information.

  • What are two questions you would ask the faculty member and what is the rationale for each of these questions?

  1. At the beginning of the course did you set out the expectations of the university on academic conduct and the position it takes on plagiarism?

Rationale: As a faculty member it is important to discuss the code of conduct and to inform the students of the no tolerance of plagiarism, intentional or unintentional being allowed and how it could lead to expulsion from the university. According to Goodwin and McCarthy (2020) it is important that the standards of academic integrity are instilled in students early on, because it has been noted that students who engage in plagiarism may carry such dishonest practices into the working environment.

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