[Answered] NR-535 Week 6 Discussion: Teaching with Technology


NR 535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies For The Nurse Educator


Collaboration Cafe: Teaching with Technology (graded)

Nurses engage in simulation to support learning in both the academic and professional development contexts. As a result, nurse educators must be equipped to engage in activities that support learning using simulation, virtual reality, and serious gaming technologies. Consider your future nurse educator role and the context within which you hope to practice; respond to the following:

  • Identify one example of a learning activity that involves simulation or virtual reality; explain the activity in detail.
  • Explain how Debriefing for Meaningful Learning (DML) would be implemented with this learning activity.
  • Share an original idea to facilitate learning using serious gaming technologies.
  • How might these strategies facilitate learning in your future nurse educator role?


  • Identify one example of a learning activity that involves simulation or virtual reality; explain the activity in detail.

An example of simulation learning I have encountered was when taking the course for advanced cardiovascular life support (ACLS). This course was done completely online. Scenarios were presented in a virtual emergency department (ED) or intensive care unit (ICU) patient room. For each scenario the patients started out alert and oriented but would begin to present with symptoms as the simulation continued. The student/virtual learner had to walk through each step of the patient care process from doing an assessment, starting an iv, placing them on oxygen and work their way through symptom management. During the simulation a code would have….please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $5