[Answered] NR 535 Week 1 Discussion: Collaboration Café: Role of the Nurse Educator


NR 535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies For The Nurse Educator

Collaboration Café: Role of the Nurse Educator

During Week one, our lesson focused on the role of the nurse educator and related requirements for practice. Based upon this week`s learning activities, readings, and Dr. Billings` webinar, respond to the following:

  • Share your goals for future practice in either nursing professional development or academic nursing education.
  • As you consider this future role, what supports and resources are necessary to position you for success?
  • What steps will you take to assure the necessary supports and resources that will be needed?
  • What barriers do you anticipate along the journey, and how might you address those challenges?


  1. Share your goals for future practice in either nursing professional development or academic nursing education.

As a future academic nurse educator, one of the goals I have for my future practice is to promote the ability of aspiring nurses to think critically about their practice and how they can make it more effective. A nursing educator is a person who educates nurses about their roles in the healthcare delivery system (GlobalHealth, 2020). A nurse educator also teaches nurses how to improve communication skills with patients and other healthcare professionals. To do this, it is essential that I first understand what nurses are struggling with. After understanding their needs better, I can start suggesting strategies in their practice to help them develop critical thinking skills. I believe this is an essential goal because it will help me become better at providing nurses with the support they need when they need it most. This will also allow me to show them how much they can improve through education and hard work, which many people struggle with today because there are so many distractions, from technology to social media posts. Another goal for me as a nurse educator would be to help aspiring nurses understand how healthcare works to make better decisions about their own healthcare needs and those of others who might be suffering from similar conditions or diseases.

2.      As you consider this future role, what supports and resources are necessary to position you for success?

To be successful as a nursing educator, I will need to understand the need for change in the healthcare system.….please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $5 

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