[ANSWERED] NR 533 Week 8 Touchpoint Reflection: Finance, Budgets, and Business Plans-‘Oh my!’


NR 533 Financial Management In Healthcare Organizations

Guidelines for Touchpoint Reflections

A downloadable version of the guidelines, which includes further information, is available for access on the Course Resources page.

Reflection Information

This is the final week of discussion and there are two important areas of reflection included in this discussion. Please label each area with a heading to facilitate classmate and instructor response.


  • Post your executive summary.
  •  Compare your pre-and post-self-assessments.


  • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses to the business plan for your final proposal.
  •  Identify areas of strength and weakness related to financial and budgeting principles.


  • What adjustments are needed for you to create the most compelling plan?
  • … concepts from the course do you need to study further?
  • What is your plan for enhancing your knowledge of finance and budgets in the healthcare organization?



Prior to this course, I had minimal knowledge and skills in light of financial management and budgeting in implementation of organizational change and business plan. Today, I can confidently say that I have gained extensive knowledge in key areas of finance and budget management. I have registered a number of strengths and weakness regarding business plan and financial management and budgeting that I hope to improve in order to deliver an excellent project proposal that will not only improve healthcare delivery but equally save the organization more money.

REFLECTION: The Strengths and Weaknesses to the Business Plan for Final Proposal

The strengths acquired include the ability to establish and match the business plan to the organizational philosophy, mission, vision and strategic plans. In addition, I have expertise in strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT) analysis which is very crucial in developing, building and maintaining business plan. In addition, I have extensive knowledge and skills in cost-benefit analysis (CBA)….please click the purchase button below to access the entire answer at $5