[Answered] NR 533 Week 2 Touchpoint Reflection: Reimbursement Issues


NR 533 Financial Management In Healthcare Organizations

Guidelines for Touchpoint Reflections: A downloadable version of the guidelines, which includes further information, is available for access in the week 1 discussion thread. 

Reflection Information


Using the data collected in Week 1 about your institution’s, provide an overview of the payer mix , delivery system type, and the population demographics. Describe the type of reimbursement system relied upon most heavily by your institution; value- or volume-based.


Describe how these factors coalesce to influence the financing of the type and quality of care provided at your institution. What are the implications on access and availability of types of care provided at your institution?


  • How is your proposed project affected by the information you’ve gathered about your facility?
  • What adjustments might you have to make in your proposal because of the information gathered?


An institution’s payer mix, delivery system, and population demographics influence the financing of the type and quality of care provided. Changes in population size, age, race and ethnicity affect the health-care resources needed, the cost of care provided, and even the conditions associated with each population group. Health-care organizations must adapt quickly to meet their patients’ changing needs. For example, with the increasing needs of the aging population, hospitals and health systems will need to form more partnerships with other providers and payers to create a complete continuum of patient care.….please click the purchase button below to access entire answer at $5