[Answered] NR-500NP Week 8 discussion; what did you learn


NR-500-NP: Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice Roles


Thinking back over this course, what were the three most important or most interesting things you learned? How do you envision using the information you learned in your future nursing practice? What steps will you take to ensure your success in the master’s program?


The three most interesting things I learned in this course are the regulatory and licensing requirements for a nurse practitioner (NP) license in California, leadership styles, and selfreflection. I have learned that my state of California obtaining a NP license is very difficult and a lengthy process but is doable as long as all the forms and documents are sent in correctly. Also learned that I would need to obtain a separate license to prescribe medications and medical equipment (California Board of Registered Nursing, 2022). Moreover, in 2023 NPs will have full practice authority independent of physician oversight. For that role it will be crucial to have strong leadership skills. In order to be an effective influential leader self-reflection is essential. …..please click the icon below to purchase the answer at $10