[Answered] MGMT 404 Week 6 Part 3 (Includes Sections E and F); The Getta Byte – New Billing System Project


MGMT 404 Project Management

Week 6 Course Project Part 3 (Includes Sections E and F); The Getta Byte – New Billing System Project

Section E: The Project Schedule

Continue working on the Word document of your Course Project and complete Part 3 Section E … to the Project Schedule and the Gantt Chart for the Course Project.

To complete the project schedule, follow the steps below.

  1. Watch the video located in “The Getta Byte – Billing System Project Schedule” section of the Week 4: Introduction and The video contains information to complete this section. At timeframe [2:17], the video presents the project schedule for the Getta Byte project. It shows how the scope of the project has been broken down into milestones and work packages; it also presents the duration of each project tasks and the schedule.
  2. Enter the task names and task durations provided in the video at timeframe [2:17] into Section E of your Word document, corresponding to the project The start date of your Course Project should … the same as the start date of the current session (i.e., Monday of week 1, month, year); hence, do not use the dates presented in the video. To assist you in determining the start and end dates on the schedule for each of the tasks, follow the steps below.

To complete the Gantt Chart, follow the steps below.

  1. Locate the worksheet “E. Gantt Chart” tab in the Excel template for this course. The worksheet contains instructions on “HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT TO CREATE YOUR PROJECT GANTT CHART”. Follow the instructions.

Section F: Resource Allocation and Budget Reports

Continue working on the your Course Project Word document and complete Section F, corresponding to the Resource Allocation and Budgeting. Perform your calculations in the excel template.

To complete this section, follow the steps below.

  1. Watch the video located in The Getta Byte – Resource Allocation and Budgeting section of the Week 5: Introduction and Lesson. Timeframe’s [1:03] and [2:27] in the video contain important information related to the labor and material cost cost for the Getta Byte The video missed contractor/vendor costs.
  2. When calculating the project cost, ensure to add the … cost for tasks 5.1 and 1.5.3 related to the development of the training modules and the trainer costs.
  3. Locate the worksheet “F. RESOURCES & BUDGET” in the Excel template for this course. The worksheet contains instructions on “HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT TO CALCULATE THE PROJECT BUDGET”. Follow the instructions.

Submit your Word document and Excel worksheet after completing Part 3 of your Course Project.


Section E: The Project Schedule and Gantt Chart

Once the initial planning has been finished, it is essential to construct a project timeline. It is most beneficial to develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) while creating a timetable to separate the deliverable and effort into smaller, more manageable sections. A work breakdown structure (WBS) is an excellent technique to provide a framework for the project schedule. The project’s milestones are a critical component. There are six essential stages for the Getta Bill: finalize requirements, acquire software, customize software, move data to the cloud, train staff, and go live. The project is scheduled to begin on January 18th and terminate on September 3rd.

WBS is a mechanism that allows a large project to be divided into smaller jobs, allowing for faster execution (Hyttinen, 2017). A project must have a primary 18Getta Byte Software project…………please click the icon below to to purchase the solution at $10