[Answered] MGMT 404 Part 2: Week 4: The Getta Byte – New Billing System Project


MGMT 404 Project Management

Course Project Part 2: Week 4 (Includes Sections C and D): The Getta Byte – New Billing System Project

Section C: Communications Management Plan

In this section, the student will continue working on Part 2 Section C of the Course Project, corresponding to the communications management plan for the Getta Byte project.

To complete Section C of the Course Project, follow the steps below.

  1. Watch the video … in The Getta Byte section of the Week 2: Introduction and Lesson. The video contains important information to complete the Communications Management Plan for the Getta Byte project. See timeframe [2:08].
  2. Enter the information … in the video in Section C of your Word
  3. The information on the video is incomplete. The student’s job is to improve the Communications Management Plan by elaborating and expanding on the information … in the video. Be creative! Make sure to identify and enter at least 3 more Communication Vehicles in addition to the 3 … in the Getta Byte
  4. For extra help, locate the worksheet “C. Communications Mgmt. Plan” in the Excel template for this The worksheet contains instructions on how to complete the stakeholder engagement plan in your Word document.
  5. The blue font text in the template is there to guide you with the assignment and help you brainstorm how to improve the basic information … in the Week 2 Delete all text in blue before submitting your assignment.

Section D: The Project Scope Statement

In this section, the student will work on Part 2 Section D of the Course Project, corresponding to the Getta Byte – Project Scope.

Refer to the Word document template, which contains important information on how to complete Section D of your Course Project and continue working on your project. To complete the assignment follow the steps below.

  1. Watch the video and complete the “Project Scope Drag and Drop Exercise” … in The Getta Byte – Project Scope section of the Week 3: Introduction and
  2. Enter the information … in the video into Section D, corresponding to the Getta Byte – Project Scope Statement of your Course Project
  3. Improve The Project Scope Statement by elaborating and expanding on the information … in the video and the drag and drop Be creative!
  4. The blue font text in the template is there to guide you with the assignment and help you brainstorm how to improve the basic information … in the Week 3 Delete all text in blue before submitting your assignment.
  5. Submit your Word document and Excel worksheet after completing Part 2 of your Course Project.

Here is a list of the sections found in a Project Scope Statement document.

  • Project Description
  • Project Requirements
  • Project Deliverables
  • Project Exclusions
  • Acceptance Criteria
  • Estimated Project Schedule
  • Resource Requirements
  • Estimated cost of project
  • Project constraints
  • Project assumptions


Section C: Communications plan

This is a plan that is used to record data that is needed by partners involved in carrying out the project. The first thing required is to collect the data and browse the correspondence of the partners that are involved. There are classes of communication which in essence include offbeat communication, and synchronous communication; depending on the interchanges that take place between the people involved in the communication process.


Project Name Getta bill software new billing system
Project manager name Ima Payne
Project description To develop a new better


billing software




Vehicle Audience Purpose Frequency Sender Distribution vehicle Internal/external Comments
1 Email Finance team Reporting Daily Project manager Synchronous email internal Manage email to follow up
2 Live gatherings Staff Satisfy Weekly Project manager One-on- one meeting Internal Satisfy regarding performance.

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