[Answered] MATH225N Week 1 Assignment: Evidence, Claims and Answers


MATH 225N Statistical Reasoning For The Health Sciences


  1. A study is planned to research the effects of drinking coffee on hours of sleep. Would an experimental or observational study design be more appropriate?
  2.  A researcher is interested in the effects of watching videos just before bed on the quality of sleep. Which of the following claims would be appropriate for this situation? Select only one answer choice.
  3. In a psychological study aimed at testing a medicine for reducing stress levels, the researcher grouped the participants into 2groups and gave the
    stress-reduction pill to one group and a placebo pill to another group. In the description of the above situation, determine the experimental group…….


  1. A study is planned to research the effects of drinking coffee on hours of sleep. Would an experimental or observational study design be more appropriate?

An experimental study should be used where the consumption of coffee is the experimental factor.

2. A researcher is interested in the effects of watching videos just before bed on the quality of sleep. Which of the following claims would be appropriate for this situation? Select only one answer choice.

Watching 1 hour of video just before going to bed reduces the number of minutes of REM sleep by more than 10%.

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