(Answered) HLT 308V Week 2 Assignment CLC; Educational Program -hlt308v


HLT 308V Risk Management And Health Care Regulations

HLT 308V Week 2 Assignment CLC; Educational Program on Risk Management;

Educational Program and Risk Management Outline

Medication errors have been problematic to the healthcare organization for many years, causing unnecessary harm, and even death to patients under ones’ care. Anticoagulant therapy has been problematic enough that The_ Joint Commission has identified steps to reduce patient harm associated with the_ use of anticoagulant therapy as a National Patient Safety Goal annually for the_ last seven years, (The_ Joint Commission, 2017). Health care providers play an important role in working with all team members in order to prevent medication errors from occurring, and ensuring patient safety is a priority. The_ use of high alert medications such as, Anticoagulation’s like Heparin and Coumadin, place the_ patient at much higher risk for harm (Institute for Safe Medication Practice, n.d.).


First objective: What are adverse drug events, and the_ most common events causing patient harm from the_ use of anticoagulation therapy?……………please click the icon below to purchase the answer at $10