[Answered] BUSN115N Week 3 Discussion: Entrepreneurship


BUSN 115 Introduction To Business And Technology

Initial Post Instructions

Consider a small business you want to create. In your post, address the following:

  • What type of business would you create?
  • Conduct some research on companies offering a similar product. What distinguishes you from your competitors?
  • Name 2-3 risks you need to consider in your new venture? Consider the risk factors similar companies may have encountered.
  • How could you leverage e-commerce and social media to make your business profitable?

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.


I’d want to develop a firm that participates in fashion since I feel that companies give programs and opportunities in their hectic lives and routines. The concept I have is to launch an online clothes company since the fashion sector has turned into one of the most demanding businesses in the western world, ranging from marketing to distribution. The sector now extends well beyond high-end clothing brands, and this is a major factor. Various sub-sectors such as apparel R&D, wholesale, retail, marketing, and manufacturing all contribute to the overall industry.…….please follow the link below to purchase the soution at $5