Course Resources

(Solution) NR537 Week 3 Assignment: Test Construction.. Blooms.. Taxonomy

Course   NR 537 Assessment And Evaluation In Education Week 3 Assignment: Test Construction Using Bloom s Revised Taxonomy PURPOSE Week 3: Test Construction This assignment is designed to provide the […]

(Solution) NR537 Week 2 Scholarly Discussion: Course Evaluation – Conversation

Course   NR 537 Assessment And Evaluation In Education Week 2 Scholarly Discussion: Course Evaluation A novice educator is talking with her mentor. During the conversation, the novice educator expresses great […]

(Solution) NR537 Week 2 Discussion: Collaboration Café -Design Creative

Course   NR 537 Assessment And Evaluation In Education Week 2 Discussion: Collaboration Café -Design Creative You have worked long hours in the design of creative learning activities for a course. […]

(Solution) NR 537 Week 2 Discussion: Collaboration Café -design creative

Course   NR 537 Assessment And Evaluation In Education Week 2 Discussion: Collaboration Café You have worked long hours in the design of creative learning activities for a course. The course […]

(Solution) NR537 Week 1 Scholarly Discussion: Evaluating an Educational Program

Course   NR 537 Assessment And Evaluation In Education Week 1 Scholarly Discussion: Evaluating an Educational Program Description   One goal of an educational program is to foster cultural humility. As the […]

(Solution) NR537 Week 1 Discussion: Collaboration Café -novice

Course   NR 537 Assessment And Evaluation In Education Description  A novice educator expresses to the mentor that he is disappointed to be appointed to the Evaluation Committee because the work […]

(Solution) NR537 Week 1 Assignment: Self-assessment of NLN

Course   NR 537 Assessment And Evaluation In Education Week 1 Assignment: Self-assessment of NLN Nurse Educator Core Competencies Self-Assessment of NLN Core Competencies for Nurse Educators Worksheet You are to […]

[Answered] SCS-285 Research Literacy in Social Sciences – Research Questions and Patterns in Data Collections

Overview In this assignment, you will choose the research studies you will use as the basis for crafting your research question in Project Three. You will also look for patterns […]

[Answered] MATH 225N Week 7 Assignment: Construct Hypothesis… Proportions – Excel

Course   MATH 225N Statistical Reasoning For The Health Sciences Week 7 Assignment: Construct Hypothesis Test for Proportions – Excel Question: A CEO wondered if her company … either more or less […]