Course Resources

(Solution) SCI 228 Week 7 Discussion: Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle -Risk

There are many factors that influence our risk for chronic diseases, such as cancer. Check out this TedEd Animation lesson: “Can we eat to starve cancer?” (Links to an external […]

(Solution) SCI 228 Week 7 Lab Assignment: First Year of Infants Life -nutritional

Week 7 Lab Assignment: First Year of Infants Life Students will select one lifecycle: Prenatal First year of infant`s life Toddler school age Adolescence Lactating female Mature adult Once a […]

(Solution) SCI 228 Week 6 Discussion: What Is A Healthy Body Weight -Wellness

What are the struggles with regard to a healthy body weight? For Discussions, create a 1 to 2 minute multimedia piece (for example, a video, poster, narrated PowerPoint, etc.) of […]

(Solution) SCI 228 Week 6 Lab Assignment: Maintaining a Healthy Weight – Graded

Week 6 Lab Assignment: Maintaining a Healthy Weight SOLUTION   Healthy Body Weight and Disordered Weight Behaviors Grading Rubric (Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by […]

(Solution) SCI 228 Week 5 Discussion: Vitamins: To Take or Not to Take

Week 5 Discussion: Vitamins: To Take or Not to Take Check out this TedEd Animation lesson: “How do vitamins work?” (Links to an external site.) Then, choose one of your favorite nutrient-dense whole […]

(Solution) SCI 228 Week 5 Lab Assignment: Water – An Overlooked Essential Nutrient

Week 5 Lab Assignment: Water – An Overlooked Essential Nutrient SOLUTION   Hydration Importance Today, I will be going over the importance of water and how essential it is to the […]

(Solution) SCI 228 Week 4 Midterm Exam -100% Correct

Week 4 Midterm Exam The midterm comprised of 50 multiple choice questions (3 hours and 30 minutes to complete it).  Information from week one through week 3 will be included […]

(Solution) SCI 228 Week 3 Discussion: Lipids – Nutrition

Week 3 Discussion: Lipids Please find a nutrition facts label on a food package in your home and report the following. Name of the food Total fat grams Saturated fat […]

(Solution) SCI 228 Week 3 Lab Assignment: Lipids and Protein -Introduction

Week 3 Lab Assignment: Lipids and Protein Lab Overview Scenario/Summary Welcome to Lab 3. The goal of this assignment is to examine food available at fast-food establishments and examine dietary […]