(Answered) NR 566 Week 8 Assignment; Course Reflection


NR 566 Adv Pharm Care of the Family

  1. How have your attitudes changed about selecting appropriate medications based on patient presentation and unique patient factors?
  2. How confident do you feel about selecting an appropriate pharmaceutical agent for a patient with a specific diagnosis in the primary care setting?
  3. What resources are needed, if any, to help you feel more confident?
  4. How has your understanding changed about determining the therapeutic effects, adverse responses, and side effects of drug therapy?
  5. Reflect on your preparedness to write appropriate prescriptions according to evidence-based practice guidelines. What resources are needed, if any, to help you feel more prepared?
  6. How do you feel about your ability to identify and respond to legal and ethical issues related to safe prescribing practices? What resources are needed, if any, to help you feel more prepared?
  7. Reflect on your preparedness to determine whether pharmacologic therapy is appropriate for an individual patient? What resources are needed, if any, to help you feel more prepared?


1.)  How have your attitudes changed about selecting appropriate medications based on patient presentation and unique patient factors?

After taking both pharmacology classes I think I feel slightly more confident in prescribing medications. I don’t think I am fully confident prescribing medications because there are certain criteria to be met, such as, symptoms, patient’s history, re-evaluation, adverse effects and so on. There are several aspects to consider prior to prescribe medication and if something is missed it can harm the patient.

2.)  How confident do you feel about selecting an appropriate pharmaceutical agent for a patient with a specific diagnosis in the primary care setting? What resources are needed, if any, to help you feel more confident?

As stated previously I don’t think I feel fully confident prescribing medications. I think with time and practice my confidence will improve.……….please click the icon below to access entire answers at $20