(Answered) NR501NP Week 2: Reflection on Learning Submission


NR501NP Theoretical Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice

Write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on ways of knowing and the use of metaparadigm in the NP role. Then save the reflection as a Word Document for submission to this assignment.

In week 8, you will submit all reflections as a single document.

This reflection is worth 5 points, and the final reflection document in week 8 is worth 15 points.

  • Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives.
  • What do you value most about your learning this week?
  • What else about the weekly topics do you need to explore to grow further as a future NP?


I found Carper’s Four Ways of Knowing very fascinating. It was the area that captured my attention the most. I can use it and reflect on them in my job. There has been a time when I have dwelled on difficult conflicts in my nursing career personally. In this self-analysis……..please click the icon below to purchase full answer at $5