(Solution) HLT 305 Topic 5 Assignment; Ethical Decisions in Health Care – Fever


HLT 305 Legal And Ethical Principles In Health Care


Your health care team is presented with the following case:

A 6-year-old develops a high fever accompanied by violent vomiting and convulsions while at school. The child is rushed to a nearby hospital. The attending physician makes a diagnosis of meningitis and requests permission from the parents to initiate treatment. Both parents are Christian Scientists, and they insist that no medical treatment be given to the child. The physician initiates treatment anyway, and the parents later sue the physician and the hospital.

In a formal, written paper of 1,250-1,500 words, provide the following:

  1. Explain the ethical dilemma portrayed in this case and how Uustal’s “Ethical Decision-Making Model” can assist in navigating the situation.
  2. Describe the perspectives, needs, and expectations of each of the following health care stakeholders: (a) child, (b) parent, (c) physician, (d) health care staff, (e) hospital, (f) administrator, and (g) attorney.
  3. Summarize potentially conflicting values and principles that exist in this case based upon ethical theories and principles you have learned in this course.
  4. Assuming the role of the hospital administrator, provide a solution to resolve the identified ethical dilemma in this case.

Include at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed references from the GCU Library to support your positions.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


capacity to do so. The Patients’ Bill of Rights originally passed in 1997, and updated in the Affordable Care Act passed by Congress under President Obama’s administration extended certain rights to the patient. One of these rights protected patients from others making health care decisions on their behalf if the patient had the capacity to do so. In addition, patients had the right to refuse treatment regardless of the recommendation of the health care provider (Frezza, 2019). This recognized autonomy is critical to the patient-provider relationship and helps to build trust within the treatment relationship. However despite best attempts to provide the most comprehensive treatment, some religions restrict the idea of……please click the icon below to purchase the solution at $10