(Solution) SCI 228 Week 5 Discussion: Vitamins: To Take or Not to Take

Week 5 Discussion: Vitamins: To Take or Not to Take

Check out this TedEd Animation lesson: “How do vitamins work?” (Links to an external site.) Then, choose one of your favorite nutrient-dense whole foods (maybe baby kale, carrots, or mangoes) and discuss the vitamins and minerals that it is a good source of. (For instance, a serving of baby kale provides about 680% of your daily Vitamin K needs.)

How do these vitamins and minerals help you stay healthy? In other words, what are their roles in the body?


Growing in in the rural south meant getting our fair share of vegetables and fruits, but I have to say coming up I hated vegetables unless it was french fries or corn. I always heard from my mother, my grandmother, my aunts to “eat your vegetables” to grow nice and strong. …..please click the icon below to purchase the solution at $4