[Answered] ACCT-525 Week 1 Discussion Questions -Ethics Evolution


  1. Read the article “Ethics Evolution in the Era of Sarbanes- Oxley.” This article is part of the readings for the week and can be found through the DeVry online library. The last sentence of the article says “Maintaining a culture that emphasizes ethics and compliance is challenging.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  2. Locate an article on an accounting scandal from the past 20 years. Summarize the article for the class and either add the article to your post or include a link to the article. What did you find most interesting or surprising about the scandal?
  3. Do you think “maintaining a culture that emphasizes ethics and compliance” is enough to
  4. prevent fraud? Do we need to focus on the dangers of unbridled greed and on inventing fancy investment instruments that few people understand but many people trade since no one wants to be left behind in the often believed unlimited profit potential of the markets?
  5. Choose one of the 11 titles in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and describe it. Do you believe this section is an effective deterrent to an accounting scandal? Why or why not?
  6. The best way to recognize if a company complies with “Title II-Auditor Independence” of SOX is to examine the financial reporting oversight roles of (1) any member of the board of directors or similar management or governing body, (2) the Chief executive officer, (3) the President, (4) the Chief financial officer, (5) the Chief operating officer, (6) the General counsel, (7) the Chief accounting officer, (8) the Controller, (9)the Director of internal audit, (10) the Director of financial reporting, and (11) theTreasurer


  1. Read the article “Ethics Evolution in the Era of Sarbanes- Oxley.” This article is part of the readings for the week and can be found through the DeVry online library. The last sentence of the article says “Maintaining a culture that emphasizes ethics and compliance is challenging.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

As a human being, it is very hard to make everyone in the same culture or even in a different culture to follow and emphasize ethics and compliance, which is why I agree with the article “Ethics Evolution in the Era of Sarbanes-Oxley” when it says, “Maintaining a culture that emphasizes ethics and compliance is challenging.” A review of past accounting scandals reveals that those involved either stole money from their firms or were stockholders who attempted to deceive investors by inflating the value of their holdings. …..please click the link below to purchase the solution at $10