[Answered] BUSN115N: Not-for-Profit Organizations -Week 1


BUSN 115 Introduction To Business And Technology

Initial Post Instructions

As Rice (2018) notes, “the boundaries that formerly separated not-for-profit and for-profit organizations have blurred, leading to a greater exchange of ideas between the sectors” (p. 14). Choose a not-for-profit organization that operates in your community or in your career field. Next, choose a for-profit business that provides a similar service. Compare and contrast the mission of both organizations. How does each organization use resources to achieve its goal? Do the organizations benefit from any exchange of ideas?


Rice University (2018) Introduction to Business. Retrieved from https://openstax.org/details/books/Introduction-to-Business

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Consider how the other student’s chosen organizations compare and contrast to the organizations you chose. Are their missions and services similar or different? Do they use the factors of production in the same way or differently?


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a philanthropic organization with headquarters in Seattle, Washington. It first opened its doors in the year 2000 and is now valued at over $47.8 billion. Among privately held businesses, it ranks as the biggest. The primary goals of the Foundation are to improve health care, lessen urban poverty across the world, and expand educational opportunities and technological infrastructure in the United States. This creative tradition is driven by the conviction that every human life is of equal value, and as such is dedicated to ensuring that all people may have fulfilling and secure lives (OpenStax, 2018). The goal of this initiative is to improve people’s health by giving them a solution to the problem of malnutrition.……please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5