[Answered] NR-535 Week 2 Discussion: Paradigm Shift


NR 535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies For The Nurse Educator


There has been an educational paradigm shift from a focus on teaching to learning. Consider the following statement in light of the shift from teaching to learning: “Teachers don’t fail students; students fail themselves.” Do you agree or disagree? Provide .examples that support your position


The statement of teachers do not fail students; students fail themselves is not a reasonable statement. The standard variable of a student and teacher relationship is learning. Learning to me is defined as acquiring and processing information to gain understanding. As Dr. Raithel stated in her module two video, adults are more self-directed due to motivation. To me, this means adults actively enroll and participate in school to either acquire more knowledge for themselves, update a skill set, start a new career, or to earn more money. It is a personal decision not mandated by law like it is for children. For adults that are mandated to return to school for work, learning may seem forced, and the student may struggle to embrace the idea. An example of this would be nurses who have to return to school for BSN degrees due to hospital policy.….please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $5