(Answered) PSYC 110N Assignment Week 1: Chamberlain College




Main Ideas Strengths Weaknesses
Cognitive Perspective  

Lev Vygotsky (1896-1980)

Albert Bandura(1960s)

Lev Vygotsky: Emphases people learn through their culture and language and develop a stop in the environment.

Albert Bandura: point out that we learn social learning skills by observing and imitating other’s behavior.

Similarities: Both theorists state that people learn from an immediate relative and their society Differences: Lev believe one learns through culture while Bandura says individual learn through watching.

•        Involves many practical

applications to aid in determine disorders like autism.

•        Explain why kids follow the steps

of their parents.

•         It does not allow us to

observe the brain; instead, a machine will enable us to retrieve the information.

•         It overlooks other

behavioral factors like the emotion that may impact our cognition.

Behavioral Perspective  

John B. Watson (1878–1958)

B. F. Skinner (1904–1990)

Watson: indicate that the environment has much impact on our behavior. Skinner: pursue the fact that the effect of an action/behavior relies on the consequence that follows.

Similarities: Both emphasize the factors that lead to a person’s

•        Be more observant in

studying someone’s behaviors are affirmative thereby without using machines.

•        Behaviors learned through

experience; hence

•         This process takes much

time to understand human behavior hence a one- dimensional approach.

•         It does not

account for



Differences: Watson’s influence on behavior is pointed to the environment, while Skinner’s study said a person behavior is determined by the consequence that follows

looking at those factors to determine why. other types of learning factors that serve as reinforcers or punishers.

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