NR 222 Week 6 Assignment Nurse’s Touch: Chamberlain College


NR 222 Health And Wellness



Nurse’s Touch provides modules that will enhance students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes with important topics and scenarios in nursing practice. Each module provides case studies along with a practice and practiced assessment of content comprehension.


This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

  1. Assess whether nutritional intake provides basic nutrients for optimal health and
  2. Describe nutritional needs for optimal health and wellness throughout the
  3. Discuss the psychological, sociological, economical, and cultural implications of food on nutritional
  4. Describe evidence based practice interventions and modifications in nutrition therapy that can positively influence the outcome of disease and illness


Week #5, December 1, Sunday, 11:59 PM: Submit in ATI #3 in CANVAS

  • Late Assignment Policy applies to this




  • Log into “My ATI Account”
  • Click Test for “Nurses Touch: Wellness and Self-Care Practice Assessment”
  • Complete the Practice
  • Submit your Individual Performance Profile to Unit 7 in CANVAS
DIRECTION and ASSIGNMENT CRITERIA: Actual points earned will be based on the percentage earned on the FIRST attempt multiplied by the total points possible.
  • Example: If you get 80% of the questions correct, you will earn 80 points (80% x 100 = 80 points)
  • You are allowed to re-take ONLY ONE more time as you wish: 24-Hour Lock-Out between attempts
  • Additional percentage score based on SECOND attempt:
    • Score between 90-100%: Add an additional 5% to the first score
    • Score between 79-89%: Add an additional 3% to the first score
    • Score less than 79%: NO additional percentage to the first score
    • For example, if you scored 85% on first attempt and received 92% on second attempt, your total

percentage will be 90% (85 % + additional 5% = 90% and 100 x 90% = 90 points)

  • Total score with additional points cannot be greater than 100%
    • You must submit a 150 word reflection on THREE clinical points that can be used in nursing practice. The focus should be based on areas of weakness from the individual performance profile

    after completing the Practice Assessment (No points given on additional attempts if paper is NOT completed and submitted BEFORE second attempt).

    • You may re-take the Practice Assessment, after a 24-Hour Lock-Out between attempts to score

    additional points as follows

    • Total score with additional points cannot be greater than 100%


Stress causes effects and management this module teaches you about the basics of stress it defines stressed he tells the three main components of stress and explains the mind body connection when it comes to dealing with stress next this module delves into the physiological stress response In other words how your body reacts to different stressors and what effect stress has on your body overtime you’ll learn about Hans Selye general adaptation syndrome along with the fighter flight response what happens to your body if you consistently live in a state of elevated stress it may have more of a lasting effect than you think this module teaches you how stress can lead to illness and disease along with signs that intervention is necessary as a nurse what types of stressors do you experience this module presents in detail some of the workplace stressors inherent in the profession and shows you how they could eventually lead to compassion or career burnout with all this talk about stress this module would not be complete without presenting some coping strategies and relaxation techniques you or your clients may use to help eliminate or manage your stress there is a lot of material ahead of you in this module so taking deep cleansing breath inhale and exhale letting your worries and stress release from your body on your exhalation OK Are you ready it’s time to talk about stress

The body’s Three Stage Reaction to Stress – General Adaptation Syndrome

From an anonymous author comes these words of wisdom stresses like an iceberg we can see 1/8 of it above but what about what’s below Hansel yay an endocrinologist and researcher identified a specific pattern of physiological adaptations in rats after repeated exposure to stress these adaptations included an increase in the production of stress hormones and an enlargement of the adrenal cortex which produces stress hormones a decrease in infection fighting white blood cells leading ulcers atrophy of the lymphatic glands and death Selye called these progressive stress related changes and he called the body’s attempt to adapt to the changes that general adaptation syndrome

Stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome

The general adaptation syndrome has three stages alarm resistance and exhaustion in the first stage alarm you activate the fight or flight response you put several body systems primarily the nervous and endocrine systems on alert and activate them they remain in that activated state unless you deal with or remove the stressor in the second stage resistance your body tries to recover by adapting to the continued stress it produces more epinephrine or adrenaline increases blood pressure and alertness suppresses…..please click the purchase button below to access the entire solution at $10